Medical Marijuana

  • Marijuana has been used medicinally as early as 1200 BC. There are a wide variety of conditions that have been shown to benefit from the use of marijuana.

    There are multiple ways to consume marijuana. Including smoking, vaping, edibles, topicals, and more.

  • Marijuana contains a variety of phytocannabinoids. The two most well known are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

    THC is responsible for the psychoactive effect, or “high” feeling from marijuana. Other effects of THC include reduction of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of appetite, reduction of pain and inflammation, and increase in muscle relaxation.

  • CBD affects multiple systems in the body, including the neurological, metabolic, musculoskeletal and immune systems. CBD has psychological effects as well, including anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic properties.

Find Balance in your daily life.


Orange flowers in a field

Photograph by Jacquelyn Potter

  • Must be a Massachusetts resident, age 18+, with a debilitating medical condition.

    A debilitating medical condition is defined as one that causes weakness, cachexia, wasting syndrome, intractable pain, or nausea, to the extent that it substantially limits major life activities.

  • Medical marijuana can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions.

    Some examples include, but are not limited to: chronic pain, anxiety, cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, ALS, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis

  • We do not accept health insurance as medical marijuana certification is not covered by health insurance.

    We accept payment by cash, check, credit or debit card.

    Payment is due at the time of the appointment, however, is graciously accepted in advance.

  • -valid Massachusetts ID or proof of Massachusetts residency

    -medical records (if able)

    -list of current medications


  • From I-95:

    Take exit 86 and head southeast on Storey Ave.

    Take a right onto Low St.

    Take a right from Low St. onto Route 1 South.

    At the traffic circle take the 4th exit onto Route 1 North.

    Turn immediately right onto Cherry St. and take the first left into the office parking lot.

    Office is located on the first floor. From the front entrance take a right into the Nook Suites. Office unit E.